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Hackensack River Cleanup

The area is highly populated, and people have a great tendency to litter. As the founder, I have seen people drop litter at the bottom of signs that say "Do not litter." It is disturbing and the city officials do their job well. But the county needs people and organizations to help support this cause. It is a genuine need. It is important to know that change can only occur when people step out and take action.


The Organization

Environmental and Global Community Aid is a a newly formed New Jersey 501 ( c) 3 organization as of January 2017.

The Mission

Our mission is to provide education for disadvantaged and disabled children, to break barriers and create opportunities for underdeveloped communities while advancing scientific research and discovery, land conservation and cultural preservation.

The Project

The area is highly populated, and people have a great tendency to litter. As the founder, I have seen people drop litter at the bottom of signs that say "Do not litter." It is disturbing and the city officials do their job well. But the county needs people and organizations to help support this cause. It is a genuine need. It is important to know that change can only occur when people step out and take action.

We are passionate about our environment, because it is a great gift to all of us. It gives us everything we need. So it is important to take this first step now and do something to change it rather than walk away and let it continue. Children in these areas are sometimes not exposed enough to the natural sciences. We want to give them the opportunity to become concerned citizens by getting them more involved with our organization and participate in forums.

Our aim is to create a healthier and cleaner environment for our communities in the northern district of the State of New Jersey. The breadth of this region has been challenging due to increased pollution and a high density of population. This project is focused on areas that are part of the Hackensack River watershed. We will coordinate with the Department of Transportation to target areas that are heavily composed of litter near waterways and schools in the nearby vicinity. The specific location is west of the George Washington Bridge that will benefit from this grant. There are 1000s of cars that drive along these state and county highways creating increased visible signs of litter, which are becoming destructive to the ecosystems. New Jersey has a critical problem with the illegal dumping of electronic wastes and rubber tires that are choking our wildlife which live throughout the streams and rivers. Our organization will clean up these areas and monitor them closely to eliminate polluters and report any signs of offenders to local authorities. Clean up days will be staffed with volunteers and leaders who will be certified clean community coordinators. We will also beautify these neighborhoods by planting trees, shrubs and flowering plants. This grant will help restore wildlife habitats and promote a better sense of well being for the residents by promoting cleaner air. Our goal is to eliminate 400-500 bags of litter in three years and attend 4 clean ups per year.

As part of this initiate, we believe that education is the key to creating change. We will work with the recreational departments and schools to initiate a program where students can discuss real environmental issues among each other that are meaningful to them. This will be a communicative forum where students can share ideas on our website and in turn start up their own clean up projects within their communities.

Key Project Milestones

We are a young organization. Prior to our tax exemption, we worked with disadvantaged children who could not afford tuition. We helped over three hundred children.

As for conservation, what is shared above with you is the beginning of the dedicated work we want to expand on.

Rough Budget for This Project
